Hi everyone! Yesterday was my birthday so in celebration I decided to do a 2 page update!
For my birthday gift my husband surprised me with a new adopted bunny from the animal shelter!
His name is Mr. Charleston and he’s a mini rex/american rabbit mix and he’s 1 year and I think 6 day’s old. There was an animal adoption place not to far from where my husband works and the funny thing is that I had actually been online looking at the different adoptable bunnies in the area, I used to have a dutch rabbit named bunny boy when I was a little girl and I was really starting to miss him, so it was a really big surprise when my husband came home with the exact rabbit that caught my eye on the webpage I was looking at.
He’s still getting used to his new home but he’s slowly opening up and showing more of his silly personality. I’m still trying to get him used to being petted and showing my husband how to pet him correctly because he’s already given my husband some warning stomps because he was petting him too rough or he just didn’t like him standing up beside him so now to show him that he’s not something to be afraid of, my husband will sit on the floor and each time he comes home from work or wakes up in the morning to go to work he gives him some timothy hay. He’s now not stomping at him when he’s standing up anymore and is even now starting to hop on the couch to see what’s going on and poking his head up to look at us while we’re sitting on the couch.
Since I’m a stay at home mom and homeschool the kids at home I’m with him a lot longer so he’s slowly getting more used to me. Before he wouldn’t let me pet him but now he’s starting to let me pet him more and he’s starting to put his paws on me and hop on my lap to look around. He also likes to nudge me when I’m in the way and I usually end up having to get up and sit some where else because he’ll keep nudging me until the whole bottom area around the couch is cleared so that he can running around it at high speed and do his hilarious binks.
I am happy to see him flop over in his cage and he’s slowly starting to lay spread out when he’s outside of his cage so that let’s me know he’s getting more and more comfortable with us. I’m also glad that he’s litterbox trained so I don’t have to worry about any piles of bunny poo all over the house and they said that he was already nurtured so no worries on that end either. I still have to teach the children how to behave around the rabbit but he’s slowly getting used to them and their hyperactive behaviors as well.
Now for those that would like to read more about some more serious news going on in our life and a little update on my health and wellness journey then go ahead and click the read more link below and if not then I hope you all enjoyed today’s 2 page comic update and thank you so much for stopping by <3
As for the more serious news I just wanted to ask if you guys could keep my mother in your prayers. She sick and I don’t want her to worry or be scared even though it’s hard sometimes but that’s how life is sometimes and I’ve learned to put on a poker face and keep pushing through it but if it’s okay to ask this it would mean so much if you guys do keep her in your prayers.
I’m not sure if others have gone through something like this or how they handled it but I’ve had to check myself multiple times when I saw a sort of negative side of me slowly creep out. For the type of person that I am I try my best to keep a happy face on but when something is hitting me hard it’s hard for me to hide my emotions and you can usually see it on my face or hear it in my voice. My mom has helped me keep the reigns on my moodiness and how I respond to the things that people will say to me in regards to her illness. I don’t know how everyone’s minds work but to keep things on the positive aspect I try to think that maybe the things that they are saying to me aren’t meant to be hurtful or maybe what they’re saying sounds like it’s reassure, like for instance someone said to me “Sometimes, I wonder what might be the taste of death. Would he taste sweet or maybe more bitter than blood ? I hope he tasted sweet for your grandmother when she passed away and i’m very sorry for your loss.” I recieved this message Anonymous and I wasn’t sure how I should answer it, for one it felt like they had good intentions but what they first said about wondering what death tasted like really struck a hard and unnerving cord inside…..I didn’t know how to respond so I just stayed quite. A part of me is confused and doesn’t know what to feel while the other part is trying to stay reassuring in that they might have meant well but it just came out a little fuzzled.
When it comes to family sickness it’s a hard matter to talk about, you see someone going through and how it’s affecting the loved ones and you don’t know what to say to console them so things that you do say get a little wonky and come off a little strange and they might take it the wrong way because right now they’re in they’re feelings because something scary and uncertain is happening. Usually around this time a lot of hurt goes around but sometimes a lot of strong bonds are made. For me I’ve dealt with enough people that I know I put up a big wall to protect myself and others because I know that when I get in my moods I can end up lashing out of frustration and anguish and end up hurting someones feelings and that’s not what I want to do at all because I know how much it hurts to get your feelings hurt when you only meant to help. So I keep things to myself for the most part. Even with this situation that I’m sharing now with you guys about the trails of having a loved one battle with cancer, I’m worried if it’s a good idea to share this or not because I don’t know what’s going to be said and I don’t know how I’d respond to what’s being said, if it gets to that point then of course I’d have to keep this trail to myself for the grater good but for now I’m treading softly because they’re might be someone out there that’s going through the same thing I’m going through and sometimes hearing consoling words doesn’t always make you feel better. Usually having a listening ear or hearing/reading about someone else going through the same thing makes you feel like your not alone. 4 of my friends so far have already lost their mother to cancer and I’ve lost 2 of my grandmothers so even though I’m scared and their is sadness, seeing that I’m not alone sort of brings a strange feeling….I’m not sure what feeling it is but it’s a feeling that kind of helps I suppose.
To sort of help me get through this hard time or to put my focus on something more positive I have been keeping track of my working out and the things that I eat. This week I’ve had to double up on different work out days because I’ve been stressed and haven’t felt like working out so I make up for it the following days. Right now I know that I need to take care of myself and my kids and do the best that I can do for my mother and make sure that I’m there for her and I know that I can make her smile by telling her about my fitness progress and the progress that the kids are doing with their homeschool work and also any fun updates about my art work, so I’m going to keep moving forward with my fitness goal and I hope to be able to reach my goal within this year and I’m sure when I see my mom again she’s going to be so happy to see how well I did. I don’t want her to worry about my health since I got a lot of health complications after having my children (diverticulotis, rectolece, bels palsy and so on) We’ve been sticking to taking our greens and I’ve been taking the fat fighters (carb inhibitor), thermofit (Helps me to burn more calories during my workouts) and doing the wraps (Helps me to tighten, tone and firm up my lose skin) to help me reach my goal.
I don’t want her to worry because she’s going through so much already and I’ve had to deal with harsh and insensitive words from people you thought would be the most sensitive one. Having people try to make you feel bad for worrying about the total the cancer is taking on your loved one or they go as far as to say things like the cancer isn’t that bad or they’re still working and moving around so they obviously aren’t that sick, really hurts. I don’t know why they can’t see how her hair is thinning out or how her skin is losing more and more of it’s beautiful healthy color or how wispy and frail her voice is sounding more and more, it confusing that this is all in front of them yet they refuse to see it or maybe they just can’t see it? I don’t know but even if I did know what’s going on in there head that’s really not the case of the matter or what’s really important because none of that changes the fact that cancer is still there and the battle is still waging on.
I don’t want you guys to worry but I would ask that you keep us and those around you who might be going through the same thing or something similar or just going through period, in your prayers. I know my friend Lorraine has a surgery coming up and I wish her the best of luck and hope for her to have a speedy recovering and hope that she gets 100% better so she can keep being that awesome mommy rock star that she is. Please keep her and her family up in your prayers also and I also want to thank you all for not lashing out at me or making me feel bad for sharing my thoughts and concerns. Everyone is different and some can make it with tough love but sometimes it’s the gentle and kind words or tending ear that can help so much as well.
Thank you again everyone and I hope you all keep hanging in there with us <3
I’m definitely keeping your mom in my prayers. Also your bunny is super adorable!
Keeping you and the family in prayer. ^_^ and glad to hear the bunny is becoming more comfortable with its surroundings!
Mr. Charleston needs a top hat…..lol
XD That would look so cute on him!!