Comic Updated! Thank you everyone!

First I want to thank all of you for responding to my email survey and even emailing me back after I emailed you back from the survey you returned (XD that’s a mouth full right there)

I’ve noticed that a lot of you are writers or aspiring artist and I’m so happy to have some new artwork to follow and become a fan of! I’m just so touched and honored to have so many creative and amazing people showing their support to my comic! This has been such an amazing journey from where I started and a crazy roller coaster ride but it’s far from over and I have something really special in the works for you guys. It’s going to take some time but when it comes I think you all will really like it and if you don’t that’s okay ;D

I have some patreon work to do and some Nanoreno updates to post on Patreon. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Hi Everyone! Survey send out time!

March 7, 2015

Comic and Life update

March 7, 2015

3 Thoughts on Comic Updated! Thank you everyone!

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  1. I wanted to say thank you for allowing me to do the survey I always enjoy those kinds of things XD and i always enjoy sharing my interests with people and finding out they like the same things! hehe!

    *doing a little share share: In process of planning out am/bw romance period peice story set in my own fantasy created world muahahaha! but once I have a draft ready I will definitely link once it gets going ^^*

  2. I bought volume 2 two days ago, Yay! Is there anyway at all that I can get volume one as well. I’ve looked everywhere to purchase it. Please help thank you and God bless the work you’re doing!

  3. I really enjoyed the survey and I have been meaning to respond back to your email. I haven’t had the chance to do so (cause I want to take my time :)) I enjoyed today’s update and I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.

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