Webtoon Artist Advice: Let’s Talk Panel Format

Webtoon Artist Advice: Let’s Talk Panel Format

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I make my webtoon using Clip Studio Paint and the format is just regular 2 panel comic pages sized around 800px by 1280px and uploaded and connected together vertically onto webtoon platforms

Clip Studio Paint and Krita both have an webtoon image slicing export feature that can be used to format long vertical strips into multiple smaller individual comic pages~

Krita image slicer for webtoon panels

What I wanted to learn more about was how do I go about placing my panels to fit the webtoon format without it feeling overly cluttered.

Through lots of trial and error and research I learned a cool trick that actually a lot of graphic designer are familiar with and that’s using composition girds!

Webtoon panel Format Grids

When it comes to webtoon panel format it’s important to keep the balance and flow of the almost infinite vertical comic Canva style.

I personally don’t have that good of an eye to naturally see the balance of panels for webtoon; comic page composition isn’t my strong suite but that’s where these hand-dandy composition grids come into play!

webtoon panel

I’m still learning about all the different composition grids out there and how to apply that to a webtoon comic format but here is the most helpful one that I’ve found and have fallen in love with!

Comic Panel Golden Ratio:

I first stumbled upon this concept on making comics website when researching to see if there was a page composition grids used for comics that I could use to help me better balance my panels.

Clip Studio Paint also has a grid filter that can be used as a compositional tool as well!

Clip Studio Paint

I learned that a man by the name of Frank Santoro wrote so many helpful articles breaking down comic page format. I applied some of what he researched and saw that this could also be a great asset for formatting a webtoon page as well!

I definitely recommend you give his articles a good read because there is just a fountain of information and comic advice that can be applied to webtoon vertical format!

Or here on his blog at FRANK SANTORO:

Also from my research I saw that other webtoon comic creators recommended studying this book to get a better understanding of grids and golden ratio composition.

Sacred Geometry: Philosophy & Practice (Art and Imagination)

My knowledge is limited because when talking about golden ratios and the mathematical equation behind it my brain goes foggy so I just stick to using those grids and my webtoon panel guide that I put together stacking those grids on top of each other. If you’d like to use the webtoon panel guide that I use then you can find My Secret Webtoon Tool

What should you do next?

If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment down below and I’d be happy to answer them!

I also have a free ebook where I cover how to make, publish and monetize a webtoon comic for beginners!

How to make a Webtoon Comic Guide

Also if you’re looking for a wholesome, fake marriage trope, AMBW manga webtoon to read to pass the time then you might want to check out Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me!

AMBW and BWAM manga manhwa webtoon
Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me! AMBW Webtoon
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