Ch 11 Page 23

Ch 11 Page 22

July 26, 2018

Ch 11 Page 24

July 26, 2018

2 Thoughts on Ch 11 Page 23

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  1. Hi there, at least it did manage to encourage me.

    I followed your lovely story since 2014, I liked your characters, I felt for Oriana’s mental struggles. But now, Holy shit do I empathise with her. I lost my brother to suicide four months ago. I felt just like Oriana, and I tend to make myself act like nothing is wrong, that I’m strong enough and I just need to bulldoze all the through the pain to escape from it.

    Now I’m trying to give myself time to heal and to face my pain, that it won’t just disappear if I will it hard enough, that I need to face it. Your story reminded me of that.

    Thanks for taking the time to share it with us. Know that even if people don’t comment they are really touched by what you write.

    Have a lovely day you and your family !

    • This really brought a smile to my face and brightened my day! Thank you so much for saying this because it was very much needed! I hope you also have a very blessed day too!


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3