Ch 4 04

Ch 4 03

May 15, 2013

Ch 4 05

May 15, 2013

19 Thoughts on Ch 4 04

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  1. Happy Birthday!! \(^o^)/

    • Thank you Netania! Your name doesn’t look familiar, are you a new reader by chance? (*´∀`*)

  2. Happy birthday, Sharean! We’re both May birthdays. I just had mine on Mother’s Day. 😀 Another year older, another year wiser.

    I like how you contrasted Oriana’s thoughts with the scene before Jae-Hwa. It’s like a summation of her feelings altogether. Let’s hope that Jae-Hwa can convince her to see the positive side.

    • Thank you so much Orchidus! That’s pretty amazing that your birthday is on Mother’s day, if mine was on Mother’s day I would probably be teasing my mom and say that her mother’s day gift is the fact that she was able to give birth to such a beautiful and humble daughter like me ^^; of course she would probably just laugh in my face but it would be a funny joke ^^

      Let’s continue to cheer Jae-hwa up because right now it’s two sleep and food deprived people trying to help each other out ^^;

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! And 25 isn’t old. You’re still in your twenties. Plus I wonder how Jae-Hwa is feeling. In the last chapter and this one he looks sad.

    • Thank you wishing me a Happy Birthday ^^ This Birthday turned out really great so Yay and I should make my sister read your comment when she does call me old >D

  4. Happy Birthday! 😀

    And I like this page!


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3