Ch 4 04

Ch 4 03

May 15, 2013

Ch 4 05

May 15, 2013

19 Thoughts on Ch 4 04

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  1. And as I present, I shall share this comic with friends! Their friends will tell their friends, and their friend’s friends will tell their friends, and their friend’s friends friend will their their friend’s friends. And the cycle continues! e3e

    • You’re so silly Ayisha <3 Thank you for that hahaha! Let's hope the cycle will continue for a long time too =D

  2. Happy belated!!!! 😀 lolz 25 is definately not old HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  3. 25 isn’t old! (I’m a month behind you :P) Happy Birthday Sharean :D!

    • That’s right Sarah! We’re young, we still go it! I should shake my fist at my sister then eat her last piece of candy when she isn’t looking! *Then run like crazy because her punches hurt*( ꒪Д꒪)ノ
      Either way Thank you Sarah <3

  4. Happy Birthday!! 25? Wow, so young!

    And thank you! =)

    • Hahaha! I had to kind of snicker to myself at your comment because I told my husband that I posted up that I would go on Hiatus if anyone teased me about being old and now I’m getting so many sweet comments about being young <3 So sweet and so many that it makes me a little suspicious ~ ⊙▂⊙
      Hahahahaha! So my husband and I had a nice laugh together and then I had another little laugh by myself because it really made me smile so I should say Thank you for making me smile on my Birthday <3


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3