Ch 4 05

Ch 4 04

May 17, 2013

Ch 4 06

May 17, 2013

11 Thoughts on Ch 4 05

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  1. I know how she feel not eat whole day because i did this catering job you forget to eat and by the time you do eat it mid night. I would be starving throught it. Ya you like your serving food but it does not you get to eat. What a pain! But Oriana should not worry Jae-hwa can thinks of something.

    • My mother taught us that we couldn’t drink coffee until we were 18 but when I turned 17 I was working in a Soup and sandwich store that also served coffee Q^Q so I was around all of that sweet smelling cappuccinos and cafe mocha’s and English toffee flavored coffee Q^Q that was really a painful experience too~

  2. This what happens when you go to another place and don’t know your way around or what’s going on.And for her to blame her cousin. It’s not really her fault. Oriana is the one that left without knowing where she was going.

    • She’s starting to get the crazies O.O also I think I might caused a tiny bit of confusion on this page Q^Q Forgive me for that but what I wanted to show was Oriana getting mad that Krisa knocked away her chance at eating food not that she’s lost ^^; but you are right Oriana is being irresponsible by walking around by herself in a place that she isn’t very familiar with.

  3. This page reminds me of the Japan trip. 13 hour time difference from VA. During the week there, I didn’t have a problem adjusting because I’m a night owl. I’d wake up every day at 6am and be worn by 10pm (7pm to 11am VA time).

    • For me I have a hard time readjusting when it comes to daylight savings or when I end up going across state to the other states that are an hour behind or an hour ahead ^^; it’s quite sad really that something so small as an hour different throws my sleep off and I feel so tired just because I might have lost one hour of sleep so I’ll be a mess if I ever fly over seas =___=

  4. I know Oriana’s feels, I had to go to AZ from Maryland once for my cousin’s graduation. I mean it’s not so harsh a change in time, but going from 12 to 8 was killer, I was so tired by 7 AZ time I fell asleep on the floor.

    • Ugh! That sounds brutal =__= I use to travel for really long hours like that before when I would go across the state but our time was only about 9-10 hours. I hate having to sit in a car that long and stare at nature while waiting for the time to pass. Q^Q Being sleep and food deprived is brutal.


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