Ch 4 06

Ch 4 05

May 24, 2013

Ch 4 07

May 24, 2013

11 Thoughts on Ch 4 06

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  1. Haha! She run away.. the top looks all romance but of course Oriana is like no “i need an adult”! Lol! That just have frustrating not be able to understand each other but funny at the same time. You could talk all stuff about stupid things about them and get away with… only if you know it.

  2. I kind of like how in the first one Oriana and Krisa knew Korean, but I understand why it was taken out. The lanuage barrier makes it a little funnier and sweeter for Oriana and Noodle boy ( I forgot his name -_-‘ ) Love the work and am excited for the next page!

  3. Oh how frustrating it must be to not understand anything and given food and drinks by someone you only met once and known for only a few hours!!! Also did she even get any sleep at all since getting there? Did she even get a chance to eat?! because I know she spilt those noodles on whats her faces head on accident…

  4. lol Oriana ran away from him. Funny. ^^

    • I think i made another mistake with the page^^; it was supposed be him pushing her to follow him =D


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