That’s really messed up. But it’s true, if dont look the part people won’t accept you. And her cousin said she Korean but he won’t accept her because her skin color. That guy deserve a punch in the face.
Forgive me for not responding sooner to this comment but that’s great news!! Which test was it? I remember you leaving a comment about a certain test or something relevant to a test in the pass that you might have passed or was it about a hard subject that you had in class? Either way that’s really good Toshiro!! *Throws imaginary cookies at the screen* You should celebrate by having cookies <3
It’s really annoying when you have to deal with certain situations where someone doesn’t believe that you are a certain race because of the way that you look. I remember one girl in my class that was dark skin but also had Asian race mixed in her and she would get picked on a lot becasue people thought she was lying or thought she was a poser or something. I remember a lot of people saying so many mean things behind her back even though she was really nice to me and a very funny and sweet person. =__= people can be very mean and ignorant sometimes.
That’s really messed up. But it’s true, if dont look the part people won’t accept you. And her cousin said she Korean but he won’t accept her because her skin color. That guy deserve a punch in the face.
So true. Someone needs to knock some sense into him. >C
I know this is off topic I pass this important test today yeah me!
Forgive me for not responding sooner to this comment but that’s great news!! Which test was it? I remember you leaving a comment about a certain test or something relevant to a test in the pass that you might have passed or was it about a hard subject that you had in class? Either way that’s really good Toshiro!! *Throws imaginary cookies at the screen* You should celebrate by having cookies <3
OMDG! I want to punch that man in the face. if her cousin saying that are part Koreans then they are Koreans! People like that make me so mad!
It’s really annoying when you have to deal with certain situations where someone doesn’t believe that you are a certain race because of the way that you look. I remember one girl in my class that was dark skin but also had Asian race mixed in her and she would get picked on a lot becasue people thought she was lying or thought she was a poser or something. I remember a lot of people saying so many mean things behind her back even though she was really nice to me and a very funny and sweet person. =__= people can be very mean and ignorant sometimes.
Ughh the suspense~~ I like how this webcomic shows the reality of the industry. I applaud you, Morishita-san ^_^
Thank you so much Anna! <3