Ch2 10

Ch2 9

August 24, 2012

Ch2 11

August 24, 2012

18 Thoughts on Ch2 10

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  1. Hmm . . . the only people that stare at me now are guys that WANT to hit on me . They stare and stare and stare and then after 5 minutes of staring at the side of my face ( I say this because I can see them staring out the corner of my eye ) , they finally get up the courage to say something to me . By that time , I’m so disgusted by their obvious staring that I just ignore them or walk away . Ugh ! ! ! I can’t stand those types of people . XD

    • Yup that is very VERY annoying and a old friend of mine use to tell me that if you don’t let them down nicely they’ll start getting violent and sometimes even if you did reject them then they get worse or would still attack you.
      It’s getting so dangerous now and days. If I’m walking outside at night to my car from the grocery store I try to have my keys prepared in my hands just encase I’m attacked. I’ll get one good jab in at the eyes and run and scream like a maniac.

  2. The only people that stared at me when I was younger were creepy pedophiles. BC I got to a point where I just ignored them and would run away if it felt like people were following me. Bleh having a creepy old pervert just stare at you still makes my skin crawl. >n<

    • Me and my friends were so scarde of someone snatching us up that when we saw a car slow down beside us while we were walking on the sidewalk we started running away. I think they were just looking for directions but I was a paranoid 5th or 6th grader back then. Now I’m a some what paronoid mom.
      Bad thing about this is that since I have twins people seem to feel the need to come up and talk to my children or touch them or something. I don’t like that at all. They aren’t even identical. They are two different shades, like ones light caramel and the other is brown sugar color but a little darker. O.O

  3. I would have cursed him out. I hate when people stare. I’m like “Geez I know I’m beautiful but can I have my face back?”

    • Now that’s a good remark! I don’t think I heard that one before. Hahaha!I like that one. You sound almost like my younger sister^^

  4. I had something like happen to me but worst. I was on subway train and the train was full. Then this weird girl came on and started staring. At first i was like no she not staring at me i look to my left up (im short) she was looking down at me. She keep doing until i got off…. Super weird! But in Oriana case she should pose for frame!!! Lol

    • Woah! I would have felt so uncomfortable. That’s why I hate public transportation because there are way to many strange people getting on and off. I’m so anti-social I’d rather just walk or drive or stay at home if I could avoid it all together. O.O
      I’ve seen people who you can tell they had a certain mental condition so I understood why they would sit there and stare and smile, but when you see someone who looks perfectly normal doing that *shudders* it either creeps me out or ticks me off. You handled it a lot better than I probably would have been able to handle it at my age toshior =D Now and days after being married with three kids I don’t care anymore about what people might say around me and if I caught someone staring I’ll probably say or do something stupid and not give it a second thought….I guess that’s why my mom is constantly calling me crazy =_=


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