Ch2 12

Ch2 11

September 7, 2012

Ch2 13

September 7, 2012

21 Thoughts on Ch2 12

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  1. Haha I love how he tries to spit game at her. “…I see you, you see me.” It is so funny! ~x_x~

    • Hahaha! You’re right =D It’s one of my favorite pick up lines that R.J has so far. I’ve read and heard of other pick-up lines that makes you just want to bury your face in the sand and cringe. It’s sooo awkward and cheeses @,@ but it’s perfect comic material~

  2. …..oh and Oriana reminds me so much of myself. So far I really like your character development. The way things are developing Jae-Hwa and Oriana may share a moment as he falls asleep from exhaust 😉 Fighting!

  3. Oh my goodness! I really enjoy reading Love! Love! Fighting! I have been looking for a manga/comic of a similar style for sooooo long. I really wish that I could draw, that way I could get the images and story from my head on to paper. I respect you so much for following what you like to do even while supporting a family of 5 😀 Times can be difficult but that when you have to think LOVE! LOVE! FIGHTING!! LOL I will support you until the end!! 😀

    • Thank you so much for saying that! My husband plays a role role in helping me to be able to focus on artwork and do comicking full time. He brings home the bacon and I fry that bacon up all tasty like and feed it to everyone while doing some drawings on the side hahaha! That’s my attempt at making a funny analogy…if that’s the right word ^^; I really hope that I don’t let anyone down when it comes to the lovey-dovey moments in the comic. I get so embarrassed when I write up and draw up mushy scenes. Even the last few pages of the old chapter one made me sooo embarrassed and I was soooo embarrassed and shy to show others. I’ve never been a big PDA kind of person so drawing a comic that shows affection is going to be so ha~rddd but like the title says “Love! Love! Fighting!” I can do this O.O

  4. Oriana is a blast. I love this comic. 😀

    • Thank you Martha! I’m really glad to know that you’re enjoying the comic^^


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