Ch2 13

Ch2 12

September 14, 2012

Ch2 14

September 14, 2012

24 Thoughts on Ch2 13

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  1. Well. Game shows are so weird XD In terms of compliments…I’m really funny with them; someone I used to be friends with used to say that I couldn’t do anything and that I’m selfish, which I am (I admit it) but it’s gotten so bad that I can’t tell if someone is being sincere or not. I get really anxious when someone compliments me but it also fuels my ego at the same time. I demand attention but at the same time I don’t want it. It’s strange…

    • My mom and sisters tell me I’m anti-social and funny acting when I get in my mood’s. Of course I deny it or try to explain but I don’t take it to heart because that’s who I am. I’m not much of a people’s person ^^; It’s something that I’ learning each day to just be myself. It’s not fun pretending to be what others want you to be. Art is a very good venting agent for me when I get frustrated with people. So try not to feel to bad =D

  2. Oriana is adorably gorgeous! Love the kitty ears. Meow!

    • Out of all the animal I could think of for Oriana, a cat kept coming to my mind. I think I was going to do bunny ears but that didn’t really fit Oriana to well ^^;
      I think the kitty outfit looks soooo cute on her too hahaha!

  3. Haha , ” You’re adorably gorgeous ! ” Aw ! ! ! That would definetly give me a big head and then some ! XD I love it ! It’s so cute ! And all she gets is gratification ? Psh ! I’d pass too ! XD I don’t believe people when they say I look beautiful or cute and stuff . I don’t know why though ! I guess it’s because when I was younger , all I would hear was the opposite . ( TT __ TT ) But anyway , fishing for compliments ? Hasn’t everyone done that ? XD

    • I understand what you mean. I’ve always been told that my voice sounded annoying or that I always whined when I talked and I don’t really remember being told that I was pretty when I was younger but I do remember mean boys at my school picking on me as I grew up. I remember one little boy that was a complete terror. We had the same bus stop so one time I remember him poking me with this long stick and I kept telling him to stop or leave me a lone, I think I ended up running home after that. I still don’t know what his problem was =.= So being called something since you were little definitely does make it harder for you to believe people that say other wise once you’re an adult. I’m just now starting to get over the fact that my voice might not sound that annoying and I don’t look that bad but that’s on my good days ^^; This is definitely a work in progress….I should go get me another pop sickle to cheer myself up Q^Q

      • It sounds like he might have liked you ! Yeah , I know at that age it doesn’t seem like it because he would constantly poke you with a stick but isn’t that how guys expressed their feelings ? (`_´)ゞ Also , isn’t everybody always finding stuff wrong in people ? Here’s some encouraging advice so that we can both be happy : You were made the way you are for a reason ! We won’t know until God tells us but believe me when I say you’re special ! Anyway , I’ll cheer you up by cheering on your comic ! FIGHTING ! ! ! XD

  4. I’ll sometimes cry just to get a compliment. and sorry for not answering you on the last page. My Tumblr and DeviantArt are both LadyDenizen, but I don’t have anything up at the moment. I haven’t had time to scan things in and probably won’t til after I move to my new place. Can’t wait for the next page, they look so adorable <3

    • You’re okay Lina ^^ You don’t have to feel obligated to reply to my comments, I just appreciate you being here and continually reading my comic 😀 I’ll still go ahead and peek around those pages even if nothing is up yet so no worries. Moving can be a super stressful and a pain in the neck. We just got done move when I started the re-launch of the website and I was so worn out and tired so you can put my fan-art gifts on the back burner because making sure you have a home and that you’re comfortable and happy is more important <3 Can't have you getting over-worked.


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3