I was worried about recyling some of the old funny things that I had in the pervious old chapter for this chapter so I left it out but I’m starting to think that I should have that added for another chapter when she gets on the show Love! Love! Fighting! right now the show that she is on isn’t love! Love! Fighting! it’s a show that showcases the new micro translator which her cousin was able to find someone to sponsor her for now to come on the show. I was worried about re-using some of my old work but if you don’t mind me recycling somethings then I can definitely re-add some of the old dialogue for the end of this chapter too ^^
Both Oriana and Jae-Hwa look adorably in those consume! Lol. I like the fact monkey suit fit Jae-Hwa perfectly with his type of playful person he is. Can not wait for the next one! 8)
Thank you toshiro! I’m a little shocked myself how well that monkey outfit suits Jae-hwa hahaha! The week is going by so fast that each Friday just seems to jump up on me but I’mmreally happy you’re enjoying this still =D
Thank you for reading it Kiki and for leaving me a comment telling me that you like it. It’s really encouraging and makes me smile each time =D I’m really happy to see that you liked it right away after just reading it! May I ask how you came across the site?
I found it on Mangamagazine.net and after reading what was there I started looking around to see if there was more and when I searched it this was the first thing that popped up!!!
It’s good that I posted it up on there then =D Thank you for letting me know.
Wait I thought Oriana didn’t know Korean yet… I’m confused. Hmmmmm. This soooo cute. Is the guy who complimented Oriana in a monkey costume? I love it! And yeah I find I subconsiously try and get more compliments. I do the ‘it’s not all that much.’ and I do the ‘so…’ totaly don’t finish the sentence, a lot. I realize it after the fact. But I usually think most of what I do isn’t that good, it’s hard to think otherwise when you’ve convinced yourself you aren’t good at something.
She’s wearing the micro translator that her cousin Krisa was talking about earlier. I should have made that more clear that she’d be wearing it during the game in the beginning pages. Thank you for letting me know that part of the story was confusing. I’ll have to go back and add that in to the dialogue in one of the older pages. Yup Jae-Hwa’s coustome is a moneky, Tail-jun’s is supposed to be a kola and R.J’s is supposed to be a puppy. ^^;
I do that a lot to myself. I’ve gotten better at not verbalizing it but mentally I get so hard on myself when it comes to my art and storytelling and even myself as a person so you are definitely not alone :3 I don’t know what it is but there are times where I feel inadequate as a mother or sister or wife but a lot of times those are just mind battles trying to get me down so I push those thoughts away because I know the dark path all that negativity can take me. I’ve been down that road after dealing with postpartum after having my twins and third child. It’s not fun so I avoid that all together by thinking happy thoughts ^^; easier said then done sometimes huh?
When will the evil metal folding chair make a comeback? :3
I was worried about recyling some of the old funny things that I had in the pervious old chapter for this chapter so I left it out but I’m starting to think that I should have that added for another chapter when she gets on the show Love! Love! Fighting! right now the show that she is on isn’t love! Love! Fighting! it’s a show that showcases the new micro translator which her cousin was able to find someone to sponsor her for now to come on the show. I was worried about re-using some of my old work but if you don’t mind me recycling somethings then I can definitely re-add some of the old dialogue for the end of this chapter too ^^
Both Oriana and Jae-Hwa look adorably in those consume! Lol. I like the fact monkey suit fit Jae-Hwa perfectly with his type of playful person he is. Can not wait for the next one! 8)
Thank you toshiro! I’m a little shocked myself how well that monkey outfit suits Jae-hwa hahaha! The week is going by so fast that each Friday just seems to jump up on me but I’mmreally happy you’re enjoying this still =D
I just found this comic today and I love it!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
Thank you for reading it Kiki and for leaving me a comment telling me that you like it. It’s really encouraging and makes me smile each time =D I’m really happy to see that you liked it right away after just reading it! May I ask how you came across the site?
I found it on Mangamagazine.net and after reading what was there I started looking around to see if there was more and when I searched it this was the first thing that popped up!!!
It’s good that I posted it up on there then =D Thank you for letting me know.
Wait I thought Oriana didn’t know Korean yet… I’m confused. Hmmmmm. This soooo cute. Is the guy who complimented Oriana in a monkey costume? I love it! And yeah I find I subconsiously try and get more compliments. I do the ‘it’s not all that much.’ and I do the ‘so…’ totaly don’t finish the sentence, a lot. I realize it after the fact. But I usually think most of what I do isn’t that good, it’s hard to think otherwise when you’ve convinced yourself you aren’t good at something.
She’s wearing the micro translator that her cousin Krisa was talking about earlier. I should have made that more clear that she’d be wearing it during the game in the beginning pages. Thank you for letting me know that part of the story was confusing. I’ll have to go back and add that in to the dialogue in one of the older pages. Yup Jae-Hwa’s coustome is a moneky, Tail-jun’s is supposed to be a kola and R.J’s is supposed to be a puppy. ^^;
I do that a lot to myself. I’ve gotten better at not verbalizing it but mentally I get so hard on myself when it comes to my art and storytelling and even myself as a person so you are definitely not alone :3 I don’t know what it is but there are times where I feel inadequate as a mother or sister or wife but a lot of times those are just mind battles trying to get me down so I push those thoughts away because I know the dark path all that negativity can take me. I’ve been down that road after dealing with postpartum after having my twins and third child. It’s not fun so I avoid that all together by thinking happy thoughts ^^; easier said then done sometimes huh?