Ch2 17

Ch2 16

October 5, 2012

Ch2 18

October 5, 2012

32 Thoughts on Ch2 17

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    • Ack! I was working on the categories and it looks like I messed something up. O.O I’ll get that fixed right now.

      • Yay! Thank you!!

        Jae-Hwa is a Christian singer? Wow…the first thought that pops into my head is whenever my granddad goes to Mass, he just mocks priests to Hell. For example, at his local church there was a priest called Father Gonzales and he used to give really long services…so my granddad calls him “Father Speedy”.

        • You’re very welcome! I told my husband about your previous comment where you couldn’t click the page and it really made me smile =D I’m so happy to be able to get response so quickly when something is wrong with the site. Keep letting me know if anything else happens and I’ll jump right on it to fix it like a mountain lion jumps on a chicken….or something >3

  2. if only the pages would come faster… >.>;

    • I do understand your your frustration with the page release but right now doing one page a week is the best that I can handle for now ^^; I will look in to possibly increasing the page count if my work load and other responsibilities don’t get to hectic but I’ glad that you like to story enough to want to read more than one page a week =D

  3. You’re doing a great job. Thanks for the clarification and keep up the good work.So far the story is great and I look forward to reading more.

    • Thank you for 1Luv =D If you have ay other question or if you feel that a page is kind of confusing because of the pacing or layout then feel free to let me know so I can make sure to try to avoid that confusion or issue in the future. Questions and feedback like these really helps me to have a better understanding of my audience and also helps give me idea’s or new things to think about ^^

  4. I guess I can understand the confusion the question poses. I’m not always coherent in my thought processes. What I mean to ask is…. Will Jae Hwa’s religon play a huge role in the story? Is Oriana christian as well? Will the religion of christianity play a big role in the story? I’m only asking because I’ve seen movies like fire proof and courageous where religion is the catalyst of the story.I could just be over analyzing it and. I’m known to do it.It’s just rare to see christianity in anything now a days– so I am simply curious.

    • That’s okay to be curious, I appreciate you asking to help get clarification on what type of story this is ^^ but to answer your question yes Oriana is a christian as well but the story will center around Oriana and Jae-hwa learning how to not let society or the acceptance and love of other people control who they are and what they do. For Oriana she struggles with the fact that her father isn’t really being a father figure in her life and she let’s that have a big affect on what she does and she needs to learn to stand strong on who she is and not let people force her to do things that she doesn’t want to do or doesn’t agree to. For Jae-hwa he needs to learn the same lesson but just a little different. He needs to learn not be fear what society will say about him or how popular he will or won’t be if he doesn’t do exactly what his manager or fans says. He has to learn to be himself and have the courage to do that. I’m not sure how my story will really come off or if it will be fire proof and courageous but I do hope that I do a good enough job at getting the point of the story across ^^;


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3