Ch2 17

Ch2 16

October 5, 2012

Ch2 18

October 5, 2012

32 Thoughts on Ch2 17

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  1. Ahh he looks so sad.

    • I learned doing high angles where the camera is amid down towards the person and using other parts of the body can better express more intense emotions then showing the eyes looking sad. Of course sad eyes work as well but I’m happy to see the angel of the last panel worked out well enough because I was definitely going for a sad and heavy scene. Thank you Shay ^^

  2. I really enjoyed reading this. It’s so rare to find a sort of multicultural manga, and for it to be excellent. I love the main character, she’s hilarious xD Looking forward to seeing more updates!

    • Thank you so much for reading it Diana Lee! You’re right it is a very small niche and I’m thankful to be able to draw a story that others along with myself can enjoyed. I also noticed this when I was younger and it’s been in my heart to make a story that caters to such a small niche. I’m also happy to know that you’re enjoying Oriana’s personality so far because I had my younger cousin read it over and I think she didn’t like her to much because Oriana acts different then typical shojo heroine.^^; but my hope is that Oriana will continue to be relatable and so far I’m happy to know that she is. =D

  3. Wow I’ve had moments like that before. People,sponsors especially, can be real critical about promotional pieces and become so demanding that eventually the constant nagging can exasperate anyone’s nerves. Oriana seems like a breath of fresh air compared to this guy.

    • And I feel that that’s really saying a lot because Oriana can be a grumpy goose when she gets in her sticky moods O.O
      I know for me it gets very frustrating and sometimes upsetting when you’re constantly nagged at about something or to be pressured to do something good or right. I hate that feeling so much =,= that’s probably one of the reasons why I do so well on my own and just moderating which projects I feel comfortably taking on.

  4. I just realized that my comment is gone ! NOOOO ! ! ! XD

    • Wait ! Never mind ! Sorry doll ! I thought the comments got erased ! XD

      • Hahaha! It’s okay I tried adding pages to the comment section and went ahead and added the monthly top 10 commenter plugin at the side. I’m still trying to tweak the site and trying to figure out a new layout but I think I might stay with this layout if I can’t figure anything out that looks good enough ^^;


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3