Ch2 7

Ch2 6

August 3, 2012

Ch2 8

August 3, 2012

29 Thoughts on Ch2 7

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  1. I want some noodles now.

    who has 2 thumbs and pre-ordered this comic.

    I do!

    • It always happens to me when I see someone eating noodles on the Korean drama shows or variety shows. They make them look so yummy and then I end up making myself some hahaha! I’m glad I’m not the only one going through that.

      Who has an awesome name and 2 thumbs….
      YOU DO!
      Thank you for backing the project! I’m so happy to see so many people getting interested in my story! Also I really do love your name Danesha! I love it! *is tempted to use it in a comic* Such a pretty name~…okay I’m done being weird ha ha!

      • as long as she has a cheerful yet spoiled personality and a love of dogs, I’m happy

        • I’ll have to keep that in mind for another comic I want to make when Love!Love!Fighting! is over. =D

  2. WOW! I want more!

    • I’m glad you liked the page Ayisha! I figured some people would really be interested in reading the next page which is a very good thing for me because that must mean I’m doing a good job at keeping the story interesting =D either that or people want to see more of jae-hwa’s face …..*hmmmmm*

  3. Yay ! ! ! You updated ! ! ! I’m so happy ! XD He is so handsome ! ( > ___ < ) Haha , I love his , " Doooo youuuu speakk Korean ? " XD I can't wait for the next page ! I'm so excited ! I'm also so mad at myself that I can't pre-order because I don't have the money ! Waaaa ! ! ! ( ; ____ ; ) I really want to support you ! P.S. Amazing job ! ! !

    • Don’t feel sad that’s okay if you can’t pre-order a copy. I still plan on updating the comic every week and passing along to word about my site and comic is another free and very helpful way to help show your support. I also understand that not everyone has the funds to be able to buy a copy so no worries, spreading the word helps just as much ^^! I still appreciate you leaving comments on the site and showing your support that way so you’re just fine =D I really enjoy receiving comments. It’s like little rewards for me after I update a page ^^
      P.S. you’re comment really made me laugh. It’s so lively and energetic. Its almost like I could see your excitement through the words hahaha! You awesome person you~

      • Ahhh ! You’re so sweet ! I promise I will donate to you ! I want to do $100 but if I can’t do that , I’ll at least do $10 or $20 . I have to ! You’re so nice and plus , you respond back to my silliness . XD I always share your site on my Facebook so I hope I’m helping some . If not , I will try harder ! Promise ! ! ! ( ^ ___ ^ ) P.S. Thank you for the compliment ! You made my day ! Yay ! ! !

        • It really has been helping you don’t have to worry. I’ve actually been wondering for a while now who was linking to my site from facebook because I saw some traffic coming from there and now I know so thank you! Also it’s funny having someone to be silly with so I enjoy commenting back to your comments and I’m happy to know that I made your day! Woot! =D *get’s dragged back to work after doing little dance*

  4. *squeals and rereads the page over and over while waiting for next page* <3

    • Hahaha! I’m glad you liked the page Lina, though there isn’t much too it but still I’m glad you enjoyed the little bit that’s shown ahaha! *made me smile*

    • I do have words to say. I’m surprised Jae-Hwa is so sleepy because in the original he seemed more the outgoing always have energy type person. But his dazed sleepiness is cute. And the fact that he was under the table makes me wonder what he’s hiding from or if its a comfort thing. I cant wait til the next page. I need money to pre-order too Q^Q

      • You’re right in the original chapter I had him a little more active but I’m also glad that you like his sleepy dazed side too. I think this will really help everyone connect a little more to Jae-hwa when they see a more human side to him and why he is the way he is though I still plan on having him be energetic =D He’ll be the one badgering Oriana to go outside to play while she wants to stay inside out the sun and away from bugs and people. Awww don’t feel bad if you can’t afford to place a pre-order 😀 Even if I can’t meet my goal I still plan on keeping up with my normal updates so no worries


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3