Ch3 12

March 15, 2013

Ch3 14

March 15, 2013

23 Thoughts on Ch3 13

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  1. Love this comic! Can’t wait for next update! Oriana’s reactions are just so natural.

    • Thank you so much for reading it Luciie! I’m happy to know that you’re enjoying it so far. May I ask how you stumbled upon my site?

  2. Lol…question wouldn’t this page be Ch3 13 though?

    • You’re right! Oh I totally messed up on that one ^^; Thank you for pointing that out. I’ll go in and change that now =D

  3. LOL I had no idea that Oriana was going to beat them up.but they were in her personal space so understand why she did that. And when you hear that evil laugh. That’s when you know they are up to something. LOL

    • It’s sad because when I hear the laugh I get nervous but when I hear silence I get nervous. I think that just having kids period makes you a nervous mess @-@
      Oriana’s like one of those high strung cat’s. Being in a different country while dealing with jet lag can do a dozy on your sanity I guess ^^;

  4. I LOL’d at your mini comic. I have a friend, when she laughs, she just goes “heh…heheh….heheheheehehheheheheheheheheehh!” and the rest of us are like “>~>”

    Go Oriana~ >u<

    • I had a friend who use to point out the way my mom’s laugh sounded and I remember I use to get so mad at her for saying that XD It’s so funny how there are so many different laughs. I think my laugh has changed over time, I usually end up throwing my head back to laugh so my laughs are really loud ^^;


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