Ch3 6

Ch3 5

January 18, 2013

Ch3 7

January 18, 2013

22 Thoughts on Ch3 6

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  1. Grrr, to the manager, he’s my least favorite side character at the moment. OMG the vote bait!!!! It’s so cute!! I love your chibi’s so much!!!

    • YAY!! Thank you Liv for voting! I’m also really happy with how the chibi’s turned out so I’m planning on making some cute chibi charms for the Anime-Zing convention. A few designs I have in mind is one with a cup of noddles and Oriana’s trying to grab the noddles away and the other will be Jae-hwa sleeping ontop of the noddle lid waiting for it to finish and it will look like the keychain is trying to pull him up off the noddles. ^^ So excited to get started on that but I’m so behind on my work that I should wait for now ;^;

  2. Jae-hwa missed his chance to talk to Oriana. She doesn’t want anyone to apologize about what happen. So I wonder what will he say to her.

    • With the language barrier I think it’s going to be a little difficult for them to argue about things since they can’t express themselves with words so that is a very good question. What can you say to someone who you can’t even talk but still have a conflict with =_=;

  3. “You dont think she’s mad, do you?”
    Me: …Yep she’s still mad

    LOL I love this page

    • Poor Young-soo is soooo dense hahaha! <3 He's starting to become one of my favorite to write up and draw too. * His cute little bow tie is going to be one of his trademarks ^^*

  4. Oh! I voted and them picture of Jae-hwa and Oriana together is just KAWAII!!! Lol!!!

    • YaY!! Thank you for voting ~^O^~ I had a lot of fun coloring the picture in with that style and so far it’s one of my favorite pictures of them. I have some fun ideas for valentines day’s. I really want to make some valentines cards with them on it. Just something cute and silly ^^


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3