Ch3 7

Ch3 6

January 25, 2013

Ch3 8

January 25, 2013

24 Thoughts on Ch3 7

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  1. Yeah!!! Your all better (family too)! Lol! That manager is about to get his head chew of by Oriana cuz (forgot her name). All in that man eyes is to bring very down to his control.

  2. Get well soon, and take lots of zinc. It will help ease the symptoms.

    • Thank you Chelly ^^ I got desperate to the point where I was about to eat a clove of garlic, canine pepper powered and honey to stop the pain in my throat but I decided against that because that taste awful.

  3. I hope you get better soon!

  4. Im totally fine with you postone it. The artist health is first then your work. Drink a lot of green tea. Get better soon so you can start kicking the manga world butt!!! Lol

    • Toshiro you’re so freakin sweet! <3 So far the manga world is kind of kicking my butt, but I will keep doing my best. *I did ended up drinking some tea with lemon, honey and sugar and it tasted so good and helped sooth the pain in my throat. I love tea~ <3


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3