Ch3 9

Ch3 8

February 15, 2013

Ch3 10

February 15, 2013

23 Thoughts on Ch3 9

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  1. This happened once in my hometown. I was walking and I got lost and I’m like “Crap…I dont know where I am” so I kept walking and walking and walking until I came into a complete circle and saw something I was familiar with.

    Dont worry Oriana, I know your paaaaiiiinnnn!

    • See now I should definitely not feel so bad about this happening to me. I was a little worried about posting up this page about because I didn’t know if anyone else had this problem like I did but seeing how so many of you also went through the same thing it’s a very big relief Q^Q But that also brings another worry to mind….what would happen if we all happen to be at a comic convention and decided to go outside to walk and talk and then we all get lost….no one in the group would be able to find the way back because we all have a bad sense of directions. Though a solution to that would be to bring Izzy_Bell along and they would be our human GPS and calming agent because I might just be the one in the group being like “Oh my gosh! We’re lost! I can’t get lost! We’re LOST!” TT^TT…..of course this is just a silly little thought that popped into my head ^^;

  2. Ahhh I back! ^_^

  3. No, sweet cheek, you are being watch by some weirdo!! She maybe though sge walk one block she maybe walk more then that. I one time lost my older sis yes a 22 yrs old in the mall. My whol family went on a wild goose chase for her. To only found out we need to back trace not look ahead of us for her. Never again leave her along with no powered phone again.

    • I know that when I got lost I hadn’t realized how far I had rode around on my bike till someone told me that I rode 2 miles to the store and on my way back home I got lost for a really long time riding around until I finally back tracked and rode back home so what I thought was a short distance was actually much longer but I didn’t realize it till later. It’s a relief that they found your sister ^^ My older sister is like that with me when I was 18 or so and when we went to the amusement park she wouldn’t let me walk off on my own because she thought that I would get kidnapped some kind of way =_= Sisterly love and trust I guess….

  4. This is why I don’t like going for walks in strange places by myself. I get terribly lost and I’m to scared to ask someone for directions. Also you should love yourself the way you are and if you don’t feel pretty then its not a bad thing to want to feel pretty. I’m losing weight and its boosting my confidence a little, so do what you do and strut your stuff. Also I know the feeling of when you can’t get nothing off because I got a ring stuck on my finger once and I started crying because the security came over and it took almost 5 mins just to get it off. >~<

    • Thank you Lina! I plan on trying to add my little shopping adventure to my Mommy Dairy Comic pile when I get finished because I expect a lot of funny things to happen to me and my sister while we’re out. I actually got stuck in one of my dressy shirts at home and my Husband had to help pull it off but thankful I was in a good mood so the whole experience for me made me laugh <3


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