Ch4 01

Chapter 4

May 3, 2013

CH4 02

May 3, 2013

17 Thoughts on Ch4 01

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  1. lol noodle boy. Good luck at the con.

    • Thank you Tifa! It was a blast! I made sure to post up a blog post recap of it too! Next convention is a local one called MinIcon so I’m really nervous and excited for that one too!

  2. Super! I wish you the best for you at your convention! Suck in all that good fun! Oh and Jae-hwa go make that move turn that hot chocolate into a honey! (As i speak i’m a lil hungry)! ^U^

    • Thank you so much! Chocolate and honey is a unique food combination <3 very sweet indeed! I had a lot of fun at the convention and learned a lot X3

  3. I hope she doesn’t puch him. lol And he’s touching hand without permission. Let’s see how she respond towards that.

  4. aww poor Jae-hwa D:
    Good luck at your convention!

    • Thank you Sarah <3 I just got back yesterday and got rested up so I'm doing much better now! I met the English voice actor of General Huges of Full Metal Alchemist and Kuririn of Dragon Ball Z. I forgot to say that in the post update so I'll have to add that later but it was so much fun!


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3