CH4 02

Ch4 01

May 10, 2013

Ch 4 03

May 10, 2013

21 Thoughts on CH4 02

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  1. The first thing i want to say is Im now graducation high school student! Yay everyone! I k this is off topic but i wanted to tell everyone!!

    • YAY!!!!XD Congratulations!!! I had really bad senior-itous so my last year of high school was kind of brutal because I soooooo wanted it to end but I’m happy to say that I was able to graduate *back in like 2006 ^^* That’s very good Toshiro!!! Good job!!! <3

  2. Glad its in stock now…you seem to be working really hard on your comics..I wish I had I could do that with my comic but Im always so tired when I come home from work I just wanna sit down and do nothing lol. But I really wanna do keep going with my story, I just need the time.

    • Trying to find time to work on comic work can be very difficult. There are times where I lose out on a lot of sleep to try to work on my comic because there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done or I’m so busy with other things that I have to trade in my sleep for working on my comic =__= Comic work can be some what tedious but hang in there.

  3. She was like. (Swap) Don’t touch me. Leave me alone. He was only worried about her. But…she doesn’t know that.

    • It’s sad what the lack of communication can do between two people. Q^Q

  4. Aww, poor Jae-Hwa. He just wanted to hold her hand. The song “I wanna Hold your hand” pops into mind.

    THough this is a simple page, I love it

    • Hahaha! That song’s probably going to get stuck in my head now each time I read over your comment XD


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3