CH4 02

Ch4 01

May 10, 2013

Ch 4 03

May 10, 2013

21 Thoughts on CH4 02

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  1. I really love the characters on this.
    It’s funny and interessting and a bit different from what I usually read (more of a action fan)
    But it’s funny and intriguing and Oriana is a very relatable character (not sure if relatable is a word..)
    Oriana is a great character and I kinda like noodle boy(can’t remember his name)
    just stumbled across this, I’m definetly coming back!

    • Thank you so much! I’m also a big action comic fan too but I also love a good fluffy story too. If you haven’t checked it out already you might like my other story Bottled Prince, it’s a mix between Shojo and horror. If relatable isn’t a word I sure been using it like it was haha ^^ Thank you again for stopping by and I hope you continue to keep stopping by also.

  2. I’m finally back after a weeks of studying and work! Wow, you made a a lot of pages. Now that I’ve finally caught up, I want you to continue! You stopped at such a precious moment. Jae-Hwa will havta work his butt off, but Oriana will come around.

    • Hahaha! Glad to have you back ^^ Don’t worry though I’ll have another page this friday <3 Judging by Oriana's personality I'm sure she'll come around eventually.

  3. Poor Jae-Hwa. Poor Oriana. With the language barrier, low self-esteem, being/getting lost, being scared in the subway, and then being saved by Jae-Hwa, whom she feels rejected her personally in the game, I’m not surprised that she would smack him. Her natural instinct is to protect herself now, even against a little kindness. Jae-Hwa may have his work cut out for him if he can’t get Oriana back to her cousin or grandfather soon. I hope she doesn’t have a complete breakdown.

    • You really hit the nail on the head with your comment Janyx. It will definitely have to take a little more persuasion from Jae-hwa that his intentions are guanine for Oriana to start accepting his kindness. Luckily there is usually an easy solution to help fix that which I’ve noticed with examples with my own life.^^

  4. Mini fanfic time!

    Jae-hwa:*tries again for holding her hand*

    Oriana:*gives a fierce look*

    Jae-hwa: stays calm and come close to wrap his arms around her.

    Oriana: stiff as he pull her closer to him

    Jae-hwa: °please let me help you. Please trust me, coco pie°

    She did not understand him but she knew that she is safe with him. The hug festive continues.

    • Oh My goodness =^^= That’s so fulffy! I’d have to cover my eyes while reading this >< It's so sweet and fluffy! Good job Toshiro <3


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3