

January 31, 2014


January 31, 2014

16 Thoughts on ch5-22

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  1. i do that all the time!! i’m like some little kid, i stare and then 5 minutes in, i realize that i’m not invisible and everyone saw me do it. 안돼!!!!!!!~~~ so sad ㅠㅠ but that’s awesome u did the shoulder bob with the cowboy guns, CLASSIC!!! i refuse to believe that will ever get old, heheh. and it’s adorable that u and ur husband talked about html codes!~~~ sounds like there was magic in the air that day~ ㅋㅋㅋ

    embarrassing moments? hmmmm, i subconsciously put those in the vault and pretend like they never happened, hahaha. lemme see . . . annnnd the most recent one that i can “remember” is my birthday party a few weeks ago. i say “remember” because the vast amounts of alcohol that were forced upon me in the form of 생일주 and various birthday shots. 생일주, “saengil juu”, for those who may not know is basically a glass mixed of all different kinds of things [yea, GROSS] that the bday person has to drink in a shot, but fortunately mine was only alcohol and no weird stuff. well after everyone guilted me into drinking things they bought for me [i’m a pushover], the rest of the night at the club was kind of hazy. i woke up the next morning with a hangover, and a burnt thumb. i had no idea how it happened, but my friends told me later i was hard core hitting on the VIP bartender all night. i guess things were going well because he was chatting away with me, and then it was time for a fire shot. i dunno who payed for it [maybe drunk me did??] but i guess instead of drinking it safely from the straw like i was supposed to, i picked up the class and spilled burning liquid all onto my thumb. REAL SMOOTH. mental note to self: never show your face there again . . .

    sorry that was so long ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ can’t tell a short story to save my life. anyways, can’t wait for the new update this weekend, i really hope they don’t get separated after this!

    • Oh my gosh, Alex!!! Hahahahaha!XD You poor thing!! That is too funny!! That must have been some birthday party

  2. Wow, my life is one big awkward story! But not awkward in the cute, that-was-a-funny-story way… It was the other awkward. The one where you go, “Why??? Whyyy?!? Wo is me!!”

    Actually, hey! Something happened today! So there’s this guy at work that’s pretty cute and when I went into the kitchen to get some filtered water, I ran into him – no, not literally. Not embarrassing myself yet. It’s a small kitchen, so I turned to him as I was filling up my water bottle and said, “I hope I’m not getting in your way.” He was like, “No, you’re not.” Next minute, water is getting all over the bench. I quietly fill up the rest of my water bottle, then throw a cloth over the bench and wipe the water up. I leave the kitchen playing it cool, but deep down inside I am dyyyiiing >__<

    Loving these last two pages! Loving them!

    • I hate those kind of cringe like memories Q^Q I just want to bury my face in my blanket and pillow and scream TT^TT I hate those moments so much, I can understand your pain =__= I hate it when I end up doing embarrassing things like that around other people too, something like that had happened to me when I was younger but it was with my sisters friends and I was trying to show off because they were older then me. So me and my giant brain decided to do a cool getting up off the couch move by standing up and doing a side jump over the back end of the couch, unfortunately my foot snagged on the back and I took a nice little fall to the floor while all of them were in the livingroom. They had a good little laugh because of that but I was so humiliated >___< Awkward, so akward~d but it's good to know that I'm not alone in my akwardness <3

  3. teehee……cute story i used to work at disney and i would stalk the aladdin character i took on the role of the creepy/sweet ‘notice me senpai’ girl back in teen years ahhhh memories

    • I think that would be so much fun to work at Disney =D I really want to take the kids some day….but I kind of just want to go to interact with the characters ^^; I’d love to get a picture with Aladdin or maybe Belle from Beauty and the Beast ^^

  4. YAY Timmies! (Why did I only latch on to the food portion of that story?)


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