Ch7 Page 3

Ch7 page 2

January 3, 2015

Ch7 Page 4

January 3, 2015

6 Thoughts on Ch7 Page 3

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  1. :O O-Oh my god…Who is the guy cooking? I nearly forgot about that other guy Oriana is crushing on. C-can I be in your comic? As the cook’s lover? lol

  2. I’m Duckie’s dialogue bubble I think you meant “Well, no one else was offering.” I’ve said this before but I’m glad Oriana has a strong personality, even if she’s unaware of it at time. Her family, the people in the industry, she’s being attacked on all sides. 🙁 Hang in there, Oriana!


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3