Ch7 page 2

Chapter 7

December 27, 2014

Ch7 Page 3

December 27, 2014

12 Thoughts on Ch7 page 2

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  1. Oooh Duolingo is my fave way to learn. I’ve got to back to it. It’s little games and stuff and it helps you pick up the basics quickly -like I’m currently learning Portuguese-cause I love Spanish and Portuguese is related to it a little bit. Both languages are fun though. But Duolingo is an app, it’s a website and it’s FREE. Also love this comic. I always get excited when I see an update 🙂

    • DUDE! I LOVE Duolingo! I’ve been using that to help me stay freshen up on my French <3 I can't wait till they have Korean and Japaneses up there XD

  2. I am soo not blessed with the gift to speaking many tongues. I don’t even know how I can read and speak the little French, Japanese and Korean that I know. Its depressing. oh well green buddies.

    • Hahahaha! I struggle speaking my own language so I have no clue how I’m going to sound to others when I’m speaking their native tongue XD The struggle is real!

  3. I can only read in Spanish but I’ve been trying to learn Japanese, it’s kinda hard when you don’t have anyone to try and learn it with. When my dad lived over in Japan he use to speak it a bit but long forgot how now lol

    • So many of you are learning Japanese! That’s so cool! I get so nervous about being overwhelmed by it all but seeing all of you taking that step forward I might start picking back up my studying books. I have plenty of learning materials but I’ve just been hiding from it but soon mwahahaha soon I shall master a new language >D


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3