Ch7 page 2

Chapter 7

December 27, 2014

Ch7 Page 3

December 27, 2014

12 Thoughts on Ch7 page 2

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  1. Another part in me want to see Jae-Hwa to come burst through the door. And yell: I’ll teach you!” Like he can sense her to in trouble.

  2. I feel that way too since I’m now studying Japanese. But once she understands, it’s a wonderful delite.

    • My husband’s Japanese is way more advanced then mine, he was studying faithfully some time ago but I ended up getting distracted with Korean because of how easier the hangul was to Japanese kanji XD I’ll have to put that on my list to study once I finish with Korean and French but WAY TO GO TOSHIRO!!! I hope school isn’t being too brutal right now ^^;

  3. I am picking up Korean myself and I feel so like how Oriana is!!!!
    I’ve only been studying for a couple of months but I still feel like I’m struggling with pronunciations.

    • I really wish that they had more of a diverse foreign language program in my city but unfortunately I’ll just have to settle with what I can learn from books and watching variety shows on Dramafever ^^;

  4. …..I feel like that with spanish…..


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