Tail-Jun’s Character Interview

End of Chapter 5

April 12, 2014

Krisa's Interview Questions

April 12, 2014

3 Thoughts on Tail-Jun’s Character Interview

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  1. Hahahah , MOVING ON ! XD

  2. I just read through the archive, and it is wonderful! Yay, big beautiful girls and biracial relationships! I’m enjoying this so much. 🙂 I also admire that you are a mom and doing comics too. I hope to do that as well, eventually, and always wonder if I’ll be able to manage it. 🙂 You are an inspiration!

    • Oh my goodness <3 Thank you so much Becca (is it okay if I say Becca? ^^;) I'm so happy that you're enjoying the story and I'm so touched and honored that you find what I do inspiring and once you have kids your start to learn how to multitask hahaha ^^ I remember balancing babies on my lap with bottles while responding to emails or trying to draw a page, we humans adapt! (I've been watching to much star wars with my husband so I'm a little hyper from all the battle scenes and light-sabers ^^;) but either way thank you again so much <3


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3