Grandmother passed away [No Friday update]

I just wanted to let everyone know that there won’t be posting up any comic pages tomorrow. My Grandmother Dorthy passed away this week and it’s been a pretty rough month for me. With some of the things that I talked about during last week update and then a day later I found out about my grandmother, I’ve been in a pretty weird place mentally. I’ll resume the updates next Friday. I apologize for not having the update for tomorrow but the viewing is tomorrow and then the funeral is on Saturday and I’m sure that I won’t be able to get my mind together to post anything up. I hope you can understand please.

I’ll be back next week.

Chapter updated ::..We need to talk O.O; ..::

November 7, 2013

Chapter 5 Updated 2 pages

November 7, 2013

9 Thoughts on Grandmother passed away [No Friday update]

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  1. Sorry to hear about your Grandmother, I hope you and the family are all doing as well as you can. As Lina said celebrate her life and think of all the good times.


  2. My condolences.

  3. Take as long off as you need. The pain of losing a loved one is hard. Just take your time and remember all the good times you hard with her. Don’t mourn her death, Celebrate her life :3

  4. Take your time, I’ll keep you in my prayers. <3

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