How to Make a Webtoon Comics on a Phone

How to Make a Webtoon Comics on a Phone

You can actually easily make a webtoon comic on your smartphone just by using the touchscreen features and a simple pen stylus or your own finger.

Along with free apps like ibispaint, or JUMP paint, or paid subscription based apps like Clip Studio Paint.

ibispaint App

These programs can be used on either an iOS or Android and they all have features that are specific for comic creating instead of general art apps.

With smartphones or mobile tablets like the iPad they have touchscreen functions so you can use either a pen stylus or your fingers to draw within the art apps.

iPad Pro + Apple Pen + ibispaint

Webtoon are mostly made up of individual comic pages that instead of having 4 panels per comic page there are just 1 or 2 panels.

The size webtoon upload format size is 800 x 1280 but I recommend drawing in a size thats double that so it doesn’t look blurry.

Webtoon Size Restrictions

After you have your webtoon create you can use the online webtoon slicing site called croppy to automatically resize your files to fit webtoons upload format but free programs like Krita have image slicing functions built in like Clip Studio Paint.

Croppy Webtoon Website

Now how you can submit your comic to webtoon is just type in the url of LINE Webtoon and clicking the request the desktop version of using your internet browser like chrome or safari or firefox.

What should you do next?

If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment down below and I’d be happy to answer them!

I also have a free ebook where I cover how to make, publish and monetize a webtoon comic for beginners!

How to make a Webtoon Comic Guide

Also if you’re looking for a wholesome, fake marriage trope, AMBW manga webtoon to read to pass the time then you might want to check out Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me!

AMBW and BWAM manga manhwa webtoon
Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me! AMBW Webtoon

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