Should you bother posting on LINE Webtoon, yes most definitely because you can still make money, have a place to publish your webtoon comic for free and get free traffic to grow your audience!
3 Reasons Beginner Comic Artist should post on LINE Webtoon Canva:
- You have a free online platform that is specifically made for viewing and reading webtoons.
- Why is this important?: There aren’t a lot of custom wordpress themes like that and most that are out there are very outdated. Some are not formatted for the vertically scrolling of webtoons. There is a work around to that, it just will require some hard work which is doable but for beginner webtoon artist looking to just publish their webtoon as a hobby this might be a little too much to handle at the moment.
- Why is this important?: There aren’t a lot of custom wordpress themes like that and most that are out there are very outdated. Some are not formatted for the vertically scrolling of webtoons. There is a work around to that, it just will require some hard work which is doable but for beginner webtoon artist looking to just publish their webtoon as a hobby this might be a little too much to handle at the moment.
- You can easily share your webtoon with a large audience without having to come out of pocket to pay for your own website and hosting.
- Why is this important?: Each time you update your webtoon it will appear on the front page of the Canva section which is a great way to get your comic in right in front of the large audience LINE brings in and all for free.
- Why is this important?: Each time you update your webtoon it will appear on the front page of the Canva section which is a great way to get your comic in right in front of the large audience LINE brings in and all for free.
- They have monetization options available for everyone so you can still make an income without having to get signed with them in a publishing contract.
- Why is this important?: Webtoon will share 50% of the ad revenue with you if your comic gets a certain amount of page views~ I personally like being able to make my own deadline while also bringing in an income and with LINE Webtoons Ad Revnue option this is something that’s very possible!
Having Issues getting Views on LINE Webtoon
Now there is some concerns from others about not being able to gain enough views or traction to their webtoon within LINE Webtoons platform.
They do have a big audience and competition within their platform can be steep but luckily their are other very simple ways to still get views to your webtoon outside of LINE Webtoons site!
One is making sure to update on a consistent base so you continually appear on the front page of Canva.
Pinterest is one of my favorite sites to use to help bring more traffic to my webtoon and Instagram is also a close second!
What should you do next?
If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment down below and I’d be happy to answer them!
Also if you’re looking for a wholesome, fake marriage trope, AMBW manga webtoon to read to pass the time then you might want to check out Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me!