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From Script to Comic || Making a Webtoon
Do you have your comic script but don’t know how to turn those words into pictures?
This ebook guide shares how I turn my webtoon script into thumbnail comic panels!

Want to know how to make webtoon backgrounds using 3D models or photo images?
Here are some secretly quick and easy tips and tricks I like to do for my webtoon backgrounds with my comic Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me! using Clip Studio paint or ibispaint~
FREE to use Webtoon Background
I wanted to share some free webtoon backgrounds for aspiring artist to use to start their webtoon comic. I noticed that backgrounds can be really scary so hopefully these can help as an aid for you to get your story out there~
Have fun creating!
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This Ebook Beginners Guide will help teach aspiring Comic Artist How to Start Their Own Webtoon!