Webtoons are actually created from multiple images sized around 800px by 1280px connected together vertically so it’s not one long vertical file upload onto webtoon but multiple shorter image files.

While you can’t publish on LINE Webtoon mobile app you can still publish using your internet browser on your mobile device!

The webtoon size I would consider you to draw your webtoon panels in is 1600px by 2400px that way your images look less pixilated when you zoom draw.

One last tip is to remember that webtoons are just multiple comic pages stacked on top of each other and not necessarily one long vertical strip.

Also good starting a webtoon tip if you want to create a webtoon is start out with free art programs like ibispaint on your phone.

That way you don’t have to make any monetary investment if you realize that webtoons might not be for you.

What should you do next?
If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment down below and I’d be happy to answer them!

Also if you’re looking for a wholesome, fake marriage trope, AMBW manga webtoon to read to pass the time then you might want to check out Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me!