Compositional tools like the rule of third is a great way to balance and place your webtoon panels as well as gauge how many panels you need per webtoon which I usually stick to about 2 panels

Have you ever struggled with eyeballing the placement of your webtoon panels or even comic page panels?
If not then I’m so jelly cause I don’t have a natural eye for balance with my comic panels or word balloons….I guess that means I can never make webtoon comics…..

WRONG! (I sound so cheesey~) I use the Golden Ratio to help me figure out the perfect placement of my panels and word balloon’s!
This way I know longer have to be afraid of my webtoon comic pages being overly crowded or my word balloon placement being confusing and imbalanced!

Using Compositional Rules for Webtoons
There are some people that are naturally blessed with an eye to see the perfect balance in the world around them.
When they draw a picture or rough draft a comic page everything is just miraculously balanced and perfect.
I have no such natural talent but thankfully I can use the golden ratio to help be a guide for me.

The golden ratio basically helps you with seeing and find the asymmetrical and harmonious balance within art, photos and even the world around you.
Applying the golden ratio to your comic page can help you achieve the perfect balance of panel, character, and speech bubble placement!
So that’s the reason why I use the Golden rule for my Webtoon and my traditional manga pages!
Using the Golden Ratio to make Webtoon Panels
The way that I use the Golden ratio is with this Panel Template guide. I just line the corners, horizontal sides or vertical sides of my panels to the different points or lines within the guide.
You can create your own golden ratio guide to fit the page of your comic following the formula that Frank Santoro broke down.

I’m not good with math or with numbers so I’ll link their articles up top for you to read through and learn more about how they create the golden rule for their comic pages!
There is a wealth of information there so I really recommend you guys check it out!
If you’d like to use the Golden Ratio Template Guide that I use for my Webtoon Panels then here you go!

Math and art have an interesting balance and it’s so cool! So even if you don’t have a natural eye for art and balance you can still use a golden ratio composition to help you achieve balance within your art or comic panel placement!
What should you do next?
If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment down below and I’d be happy to answer them!

Also if you’re looking for a wholesome, fake marriage trope, AMBW manga webtoon to read to pass the time then you might want to check out Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me!