I’ve been so swamped lately with all of my work that I wasn’t able to do a weekly update post for last week so I’ll go ahead and post the update today ^^
First order of business, after reviewing the outline for the full version of my visual novel, Curse of the Caribbean, I realized that it will take me a lot longer to get the full story, from start to finish with all the different paths, released. So instead of making all of you who are looking for the release wait a very, VERY long time I decided to go ahead and release the visual novel in chapters. This way it flows nicely with the story plot and you’ll all be able to play each path one at a time. So for the first chapter you will meet Boy Blue *That’s the nickname Desireã gave him since she doesn’t know his real name yet.* and in the second chapter you will meet the second boy then in the third chapter you will meet the last guy and be able to finish the whole story.
So with that said the script and GUI and the non art part of the coding is finished. All’s that’s left is to do all of the cg and extra backgrounds then add those into the code and the new full chapter one will be released! YEA~
I’m not sure how long it will take me to get all the cg’s done and I haven’t tallied them all up yet but I’ll post up my progress hopefully with next weeks update.
That’s all that I want to say for this update. I need to get back to work on Bottled Prince and Love! Love! Fighting!