I use the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How method for my writing process for my webtoon.

Before I draw my webtoon episode here is my process of putting together what I will write in my script by answering these questions:
- -Who is in this episode
- -Where are they standing
- -When is this happen
- -What do they want or what are they doing
- -Why are they there, or why do they want that or why are they doing that
- -How do things turn out?

Sometimes I will take out one of the 5W1H if it’s not really realities to the full story of the webtoon or current episode.
So for one of the episodes for my webtoon Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me! I answered the who question:

Then I answered the Where question:

Next the What question:

After that I will answer the How question:

I learned this story structure technique for writing my webtoon episodes from this book called Shojo manga techniques; 10/10 would recommend you all read it!

What programs do I use to write a webtoon comic script:
The program that I use to write my webtoon script is the note app on my phone or text edit on my computer but I’ve also used celtx as well!

Also the program I use to draw my webtoon isClip Studio Paint EX because of their story edit feature making adding the script dialogue super simple!

What should you do next?
If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment down below and I’d be happy to answer them!

Also if you’re looking for a wholesome, fake marriage trope, AMBW manga webtoon to read to pass the time then you might want to check out Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me!